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Fuel of digital marketing growth engine : Content

Written by Shreyansh Surana | Feb 22, 2017 10:11:02 PM

Most of us consume content from digital channels from early morning to late night. According to an infographic from The Word Pro

In the first 60 seconds of your day, Facebook receives over 4 million likes. More than 2 million Instagram hearts turn red & more than 350,000 tweets. Every minute, 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube & nearly 7 million Snapchat videos.

For this reason, Content is probably the 'buzz' word in the digital marketing arena. Everything in Digital Marketing revolves around content because the customers consume and share content. Now with such a huge amount of data getting generated every minute, It is very critical and equally challenging to have your content available to the right customers at the right time. Just understand and follow the below-mentioned steps you will see wonderful results in just a few months.

Why content is the fuel for digital marketing growth

Content Strategy

A strategy is all about writing down in detail where to reach and how to reach in a defined time period. Without a strategy, it is like driving a car without knowing the destination. It is very important that you formulate a solid content strategy by doing the following activities.

  • Evaluate and Strengthen the Buyer Persona.
  • Audit the existing content
  • Prepare a Content Marketing Editorial Calendar.

This stage needs a good amount of time and effort from the senior management because this stage can really accelerate or delay your growth engine. 

Content Creation

A great piece of content is one that brings potential customers to your business instead of forcing yourself in front of them. The best way to do this is to write on something which the potential customers learn, enjoy and would love to get connected. There are different types of content that can be created for the customers.

  • Blog
  • Email Newsletters
  • Offer Content
  • White Papers
  • ebooks case studies
  • Power Points
  • Videos 

Content Optimisation

Creating content is a half-battle won. Content should also be visible while your customers are searching for solutions to their problems online. Content needs to be visible to make an impact on your business’s bottom line. In Content Optimization, you should not only make sure that the content is SEO friendly but also look at more important factors like,

  • Frequency of publishing
  • Relevance of content
  • Usefulness of the content
  • Progression in the stages of the customer journey. 

Content Promotion

Creating content without promotion is like not producing the content at all. Promotion is all about getting the content out to the right customers at the right time on the right channel. Promote your content by doing the following.

  • Include different free channels like Blog, Social Media, alternative channels based on the buyer persona.
  • Include the paid channels like OneLoad to share the content across multiple channels in one go.
  • Connect with the Industry Influencers who would be interested in publishing or sharing your content. 

Content Curation:

Content Curation is all about finding and sharing the relevant and quality content for your target audience. Content Curation is very important as we can never match the demands of our target audience. It's an easy and effective way of providing the valuable set of content for your target audience. Key activities to do as a part of Content Curation.

  • Find and share the right and quality content.
  • Add value by providing the insights or perspective.
  • It's an ongoing recurring activity. 

Content Maintenance:

Content published years ago and untouched is harmful to your business. If the content is not relevant to today’s context, it's better to update it else it will leave the target audience confused and unsatisfied. Key activities to do as part of Content Maintenance.

  • Swapping outdated statistics with fresh ones
  • Replacing old links with more relevant ones
  • Replacing old screenshots with more relevant ones

Content maintenance helps in Search Engine Optimization too. Google loves fresh and updated content. 

Content Reporting

The beauty of the digital marketing lies in the reporting. Not measuring the content is like shooting in the dark. Tie the reporting to the strategy and define the key KPI’s to be measured. Measure every activity done on the content and some of the key KPI’s worth tracking are:

  • Visits generated by content & channel
  • Movement in lifecycle stage of target audience based on content read
  • ROI on the each content developed.

We at RevX completely believe that content is the heart of Digital Marketing and we have expertise in doing content management for you. Do reach us out.