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How to increase organic reach on facebook: 10 Best ways

Written by Ishneet Kaur | Nov 6, 2020 11:30:00 AM


Gone are the times when getting traffic on your online presence was child’s play. Nowadays, it is a mammoth task, a cut-throat competition to get the highest share of online traffic!

But without traffic, online marketing is dead, it’s very essence and the success factor is lost. The SEO landscape was not very competitive earlier, but now it is witnessing an ever-growing battle. Search is not sufficient to gain the audience’s attention anymore. That extra something is the need of the hour!

Source: Giphy

As per the statistics, social media is claimed to be attracting the eyeballs of the maximum number of targeted and relevant audiences. Did you know that around 54% of online browsers go to social media to research products? Tremendous, isn’t it?

All in all, this suggests that increasing reach and engagement on your social media pages is of utmost importance. Additionally, Facebook holds the maximum share, with approximately 2.32 billion active monthly users. That makes it even more critical to have a non-paid and genuine organic reach on Facebook in 2020.

Wondering how to increase organic reach on Facebook? 

That’s exactly what we will cover in the section that follows!

10 ways to increase organic reach on Facebook

By constructing your brand presence and command

Ensure having a strong brand presence and recall in the minds of your audience. You can achieve this by consistently creating posts that are relevant to your businesses.

But while on the way to creating relevancy, do not bombard your posts with just business, show some quirkiness, a fun element, and general emotional connect to the audience every now and then.

This way you would have answered how to increase the visibility of Facebook posts.

Source: Neil Patel

Another aspect of this is ensuring that you create a targeted audience and a target audience persona by understanding their pain points, their interests, etc. Having random people liking your posts and pages is a total waste as it won’t fetch you business. 

Having specific invite-only groups

Create specific groups for your most engaged target audience, Ensure keeping these groups invite-only, to avoid having members who are random and not actually interested in the theme of the group.

Source: Postplanner

These groups can be brand-specific, product-specific, lifestyle specific, or for certain topics of interest. The lifestyle groups may be based on book lovers, travel freaks, etc. The topical groups may be for digital marketing enthusiasts, data science learners, etc. Having such focused groups ensure you pay heed to social listening and your brand advocates alike, and is a widely employed Facebook post reach trick. 

No more wondering how to increase organic reach on Facebook, just try this practice!

Posting content that is timeless

Random posting and not paying due diligence to the social media posting strategy is dangerous in terms of not fetching the desired engagement and reach. So much content clutter is there on Facebook that it just stays visible for a very short time, owing to it not being enticing. 

To answer the question of how to increase organic reach on Facebook, make sure you post witty and evergreen content that attracts maximum eyeballs and is visible for the longest possible time on Facebook.  

Source: NP Digital

By paying heed to the timing of publishing your posts

A number of studies have been conducted to determine the appropriate time to post on Facebook. All of them vary at depicting the right time and days to publish the content. You can decide the right time to publish your Facebook organic posts by analyzing your target audience’s behavior, their time zones, the audience profile in terms of their age, occupation, gender, etc. Then you can zero down on what time and days work best for getting maximum traction.

Source: NeilPatel blog

Publishing native videos

Did you know that video content on social media is being demanded by approximately 54% of consumers who follow a particular brand or service? Whopping, right? 

These native videos are by default playing without sound, and the user can click on it to hear the sound. Thus, you need to make it as attractive as possible even without sound, to make the audience want to click and watch it with sound!

Don’t forget to add those attractive Call To Action buttons alongside!

Source: Marcommnews

Respecting the type of content your audience likes to consume

Remember, just like the customer is king, your target audience is the king for the success of your organic reach on Facebook. Analyze what type of content is liked and preferred by your audience and you would do wonders in getting the maximum engagement on your online presence and answer the question- how to increase organic reach on Facebook.

You can create a poll asking for their preferences. Also, adding links in your post is claimed to perform better as compared to adding links in the caption. Hyperlinked posts are the future. Plain pictures are a thing of the past.


By shaking hands with other pages belonging to your niche

Just like the influencer marketing strategy being followed heavily on Instagram, you can also partner with other pages on Facebook. Those pages should belong to the same niche or business as yours. 

Look out for pages on Facebook that have a decently large following and get on a deal with them where you promote their posts and they do yours. This way you both get the traction of each other’s fan following, hence increasing the organic reach of your brand or business on Facebook.

Source: Elite Daily

By being mindful of the frequency of posting

There is no single number to put on the table, for the frequency of posting on Facebook. Ideally, you should consider 1-3 posts/day and not more than that. The reason being, you don’t want your audience only seeing your brand posts whenever they are online, as it would irritate and overwhelm them. 

Source: Buffer

Also, keep in mind the target audience you are catering to. If it is an international market and your time zones are different, then consider posting more than once to let your posts be visible to them as and when they are active online. 

By making proper use of brand advocacy

Do you know what is the best feeling for a brand? Their customers or employees promote their products/services with/without any paid incentive. This practice cuts down on the efforts that you require to strategize your next post for gaining momentum on your page.

Source: Slideshare

How do you achieve that? You can create offers, loyalty programs, etc for your customers or employees. They promote your offerings and can assist you in getting revenue through additional sales. Just make sure to measure the outcome of the brand advocacy program to analyze its effectiveness.

How to increase organic reach on Facebook? Answered!

By creating and running contests

To generate engagement on Facebook, you can consider running varied types of contests. Before diving straight into posting an alert about a contest, make sure you understand the goal of running that contest. If you want to generate leads or get more engagement, based on that you can create a contest entry requisite. For instance, subscribing by entering their email id or liking and sharing your pages. 

Source: Kimgarst

Another important aspect to keep in mind is to beware of the participants who are just interested in the contest for the free giveaways and are not actually interested in your products/services.

Wrapping Up

In a nutshell, increasing organic reach on Facebook 2020 is a tricky and effort-needing task. You need to strategize, analyze, and listen to your audience, their attitudes, their behaviors, and their preferences, to succeed in growing your reach organically on Facebook. You just have a few seconds to grab the attention of your target audience, and beyond that, your brand goes unnoticed. 

So, follow the pointers mentioned above, and you will gradually notice your reach grow by leaps and bounds, without burning a hole in your pocket! And “how to increase organic reach on Facebook” would not haunt you anymore!

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