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3 Reasons why Hubspot marketing software certification Is worth a shot

Written by Shreyansh Surana | Apr 3, 2017 4:54:30 AM

The world of Marketing is changing very fast. Google and Yahoo have disrupted the Marketing world. Today Digital Marketing takes an edge over Traditional Marketing. Search Engines have changed the way you sell too.

Move the marketing and sales strategy from ABC (Always Be Closing) to ABH (Always Be Helping)

More than 3800 marketing Softwares have come into existence with the strategy of ABH (Always Be Helping) and some of the early movers and pioneers are Hubspot and Marketo. Hubspot did walk the talk by making all their certifications free. 

It is one of the very few companies that does not put certifications into a profit center but instead puts it in content marketing strategy. A majority of the certifications are free for everyone and some of the certifications are exclusive to Hubspot users and partners.

I have recently completed the Hubspot Marketing Software Certification and want to share some of the interesting findings.

Why Hubspot marketing software certification is worth a shot? 

Training videos are awesome

There is a detailed training before you take up the certification. The training comprises of 61 Videos with a total play time of around 7 Hours. Below are some of the reasons why training is awesome.

  • Training videos explain you in detail about what Hubspot is all about and how to make the best use of Hubspot software in taking your business to next level.
  • Each class takes some real-world business scenarios and explain in detail on how Hubspot can help.
  • Not only videos but also provides a wealth of extra resources like the ebooks, training materials, blog references, best practices for further reference.

The test is not only questions

Once you are done with training. You are ready to take the test. It's a test for 2 hours with multiple choice questions on each module of HubSpot.

Generally, we are all habituated to take the theory test i.e. a set of standard questions with multiple choices. Below are some of the reasons why this test is different and interesting too.

  • Along with generic module related questions, there is case study based questions too. So you have to put yourself in the shoes of the inbound consultant and answer them.
  • Your knowledge in each and every module of Hubspot is tested. Make sure you understand the complete Hubspot software and not just a few modules you love.
  • The passing percentage is 75%. So make sure you prepare well for the certification. 

Practicum is a must

You don't get the certification badge even you pass the test. Yes, you read it right. You have to complete the practicum to get the certification badge. The practicum is all about implementing the knowledge you gained through the pieces of training.

You not only have to create the landing pages, Call To Actions, Send Email Campaigns, Create Lists, Perform Social Media Campaigns etc. to name a few but also produce results. For example, your Email campaigns should have at least 40% open rates and 5% click-through rates. 

Tips to Crack the Certification

Till now we have seen why Hubspot Marketing Software Certification is worth a shot. You would be equally excited to crack the test too. Below are few tips which can help you crack the test in the first attempt. 

Book calendar for at least 6 hours a week

Spend at least 3 hours a week in training videos and the resources provided by Hubspot and spend other 3 hours in implementing the learnings by logging into the Hubspot software. It is very important that you practice the learnings 

Take the quiz after each class

After each class of Hubspot training, there is a quiz of 2-3 questions. Make sure you make a genuine attempt to answer the questions in the quiz. It gives you a good idea of how the questions in certification test would look like. 

Be prepared for test

The test is online and it's for 2 hours. Make sure you have a proper internet connection and the power plug is reachable. Once the test is started, there is no way to pause it. 

Be focussed during the test

The certification test is for 2 long hours with around 80 questions. Make sure you don't have any distractions around. Be focussed for the whole duration of the test. 


Phew, the complete HubSpot marketing software certification seems little difficult right. Give it a shot, You will have fun and a great learning experience too. I have completed my Hubspot Marketing Software Certification recently with flying colors and earned my badge. If you need any help, reach out to me @_RahulMehta