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10 Types Of paid advertising to grow your business

Written by Ishneet Kaur | Oct 28, 2020 10:30:00 AM

On Youtube watching a video, and suddenly an advertisement interrupts you? Similarly on Facebook, Instagram, and everywhere else? What’s more to this is the fact that those advertisements are nowhere related to your preferences or search history, and in short, aren’t properly targeted. 

These types of advertising act as roadblocks in your online activity and can lead to the audience being overwhelmed, and hence, blocking the ads. Oops, mission failed!

Source: Giphy

On the contrary, properly targeted advertisements, with the right ad being served to the right prospect, might get you good-quality leads and conversions. 

In the advertisement content messes out there, we are here to dive straight into showcasing the 10 types of paid advertising for you to be able to grow your business, to give you clarity!

Coz, who wants to keep on searching for a relevant piece of information, when they can get all of it in one place? We have got your back! Let’s dive in!

10 types of paid advertising to grow your business

Search Ad as a paid strategy

While on the search engine results page, you must have noticed the top and the bottom few results with a tag of “Ad” alongside. Yes, you are right! These are one of the Pay Per Click Advertising methods, known as search ads that are triggered and displayed to the visitors who have searched for a particular keyword on the basis of their requirements.

Source: Wordstream

These ads are the usual types of advertising that you will notice on the search results. There are no visual images or videos with these ads, they are the text-only kind.

Social media ad catering to the online audience

Considering the humongous number of active social media users, who would want to miss out on targeting them for presenting their products/services? You can recognize a social media ad, which is an outbound marketing strategy, with the word “Sponsored” mentioned alongside.

Source: Moz

These types of advertising can be noticed on different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc in the feed, while you are just casually scrolling down your feed. After careful and exhaustive research and study about your target audience, you can understand the platform they visit the most and are active on. Based on that, you can be the best judge of the platform to choose to place the ads on!

Google Shopping Ads for that virtual showroom shopping feel

Just like in an actual physical showroom, where you tend to have a sneak peek at the price card after you have a look at the products, similarly, Google shopping ads, another form of Pay Per Click Advertising, lets you know the price and the images of the products before you hop on the website of the advertiser.

Source: Webfx

These ads appear on the top of the search engine results page, above the main search results. They are of the carousel type and give the look and feel of “window shopping”. 

Display ads on Google partner websites

Google has a huge network of partner websites, and those websites have slots for ad placements. The ads placed there are done with the notion that those websites have a business or content similar to the advertising company, or are otherwise part of the network websites, and with the intention of targeting the audience that might be interested in the company’s products.

Source: Impactplus

This type of advertising is not a plain text-only ad, it has creative visual images along with the text. 

Mobile-only advertising

Did you know that mobile users end up spending 71% of their screen time browsing the internet? Think for yourself, when you have your phone in hand, what do you end up doing? Browsing, right?

Source: Mobileads

Optimizing mobile-only ads, a type of Pay Per Click Advertising is an absolutely correct decision to make your business visible and to get that sought-after Return On Ad Spend (ROAS). You can go ahead and execute Facebook Mobile Ads, Instagram Mobile Ads, Google Mobile Ads, and/or Snapchat Mobile Ads.

Remarketing ads to re-engage your visitors

It happens usually that you visit a website, browse through the products, and bounce-off sometime later. Maybe you had some other priority work, maybe you don’t have that much trust in the brand, or maybe you want to browse a few other brands before making the final purchase decision. Whatever it might be, as a part of a company, nobody would want to lose out on such potential leads. Coz a potential lead once lost, would not look back to you, on its own at least! Aaand, YOU SIR, missed a golden opportunity!!

Source: Wordstream

You can re-engage and attract those bounced-off visitors back to your website by shooting remarketing ads, and pushing some lucrative and limited-time period offers. Mind it, give an offer so delicious, that the visitor cannot help clicking on it and buying from you! Let your creative juices flow, my friend!

Exclusive local service ads

There is something for everyone in the advertising world! We won’t leave businesses like locksmiths, plumbers, electricians, and garage door companies from the purview of advertising and promoting their business. These businesses can go ahead and execute local service ads as the type of advertising, to be visible.

Source: Tripleyourclicks

These ads are only limited to the businesses of the like of the above mentioned. If you have such a business, you just need to begin by signing up as a service provider.

In-stream ads, because why not consider Youtube?

Interestingly, around 63% of all internet users watch videos on YouTube regularly. Whopping, right? You must have noticed ads in between a video that you are watching, or at the beginning of the video. Those are instream ads. Coz, we want a piece of attracting the users who are already engrossed in the platform!

                                                                                                                                Source: Digitalmarketer

Instream ads can be full-screen ads, smaller ads on the sidebar, or non-skippable ones. So, this is a great platform to make your product/service noticeable and in turn, get leads that convert.

Ads right inside Gmail

Now, you can catch hold of interested leads inside their Gmail inbox. You must have seen those emailers with the tag “Ad” alongside. Those are Gmail-sponsored promotions. These are visible at the very top of the inbox. Also, another key differentiator of these ads from the regular emails is the subject line which is bolded.

                  Source: Webfx

Influencer marketing is a new way of paid digital advertising

There is no dearth of influential people out there. The only thing to take care of is, selecting the right person for your business. Consider the target audience that he/she would be able to influence, based on his/her fan following. If their audience matches yours, then he/she is the right influencer for marketing your business. You can have a deal with them to promote your business, through influencing their audience about why your products/services are the best in the market. This type of advertising works wonders if done carefully.

Source: Grjenkin


The crux of all the above types of paid advertising is that these days, with the advent of so many digital platforms, what you need is not a lot of money, to promote or market your business. What you need is the right understanding of what platform suits your business best, and what method of paid advertising and digital marketing strategy would work wonders for you and get you the ROI and make your audience go all wow about your advertisement effort, and definitely choose you over your competitors.

Source: Giphy

So, go ahead, and intelligently allocate your budget to the strategy and the type you deem fit for your business type, and watch and enjoy the returns that you get out of the effort you put in!

For deeper insights into streamlining your marketing ops, connect with our RevOps experts today!