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5 Benefits of Automated Email Marketing for Demand Generation

Published: December 29, 2021
Last updated on October 1, 2024
3 min read

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Do you know that 4 in 5 users increased their leads by using marketing automation software and almost 77% saw an increase in conversions

Demand generation is a complex multi-channel, multi-touchpoint, multi-customer segment strategy. As a result, hitting a few bumps in the road is unavoidable.

Such new demand marketing pitfalls require implementing innovative marketing strategies to be more efficient. Automated emails are one of them.

Automated emails have the potential to make your life easier. As HubSpot says- "You'll be a marketing hero."

Superhero depicting as Marketing Hero

Source: UnSplash

This post will review the importance of automated email marketing in demand generation. We will look at how email automation can help overcome challenges you might face while implementing your demand generation strategy.

Importance of automated email marketing for successful demand generation

Your leads aren't converting

Maybe you're getting a lot of engagement or online traffic, but just a tiny percentage of those people are converting.

There are a few things that could be going on in that instance. One of them is that your listings aren't segmented appropriately. Or maybe you're being too aggressive with your CTAs instead of nurturing leads with email campaigns and remarketing.

Automated email marketing helps you send customized content to buyers using list segmentation. For example, you may organize email contacts into different groups or lists depending on their qualities, behaviour patterns, and relevant facts. It will provide you with a more in-depth understanding of your target audience.

If you can do this and include it in your approach, you will most likely boost your odds of conversion.

You are spending too much time on email marketing

Many B2B marketing teams are dying as a result of inefficiency. Spending hours chatting with individual lead sources on a one-off basis, manually designing campaigns, and so on is time-consuming and error-prone.

One of the most significant advantages of automated email marketing is that it operates entirely independently.

You may activate the processes by specifying a set of triggers. You can count on email automation to work 24/7. For example, you may plan and schedule your monthly campaigns without sending each email manually.

Another benefit of automated emails in demand generation is that they are scalable and cost-effective.

The more you grow, the larger your audience grows. Thus, you can let the software handle repetitive tasks that would be time-consuming to complete and focus on other aspects of demand generation.

You have a low open rate on emails

After spending time crafting the perfect email for your subscribers, you'll be disappointed if just a small portion of your target audience reads it.

Less open rates are a source of frustration for all marketers.

To ensure that people open your emails, make sure they are entirely relevant to the receiver.

You may score your leads depending on their actions using email automation. It will assist you in sorting and prioritizing your leads. In addition, it's an efficient way to guarantee that you acquire quality prospects who are likely to respond positively to your emails.

For example, suppose a potential buyer has already visited a specific product on your website. In that case, you are more likely to convert them with an email offering them a 25% discount on that product.

Additionally, automated email marketing allows you to send the correct message to the right people at the right time.

Some automation tools, for example, can suggest the optimal time to send an email to a specific recipient. Additionally, using email automation, you may send emails based on the recipient's time zone, reducing the likelihood of them missing your emails due to time differences.

You are not engaging with your customers enough

You may miss out on some potential leads simply because you forgot to engage with them.

Most businesses cater to a variety of audiences with distinct characteristics. As a result, it can be challenging to develop content for each buyer while still connecting with them regularly.

Automated emails can save the day in this situation by providing a personal touch. Personalization is becoming increasingly popular to engage with contacts, and it's pretty effective in the context of inbound marketing.

Personalization tokens are populated with the contact's information when you deliver automated emails. For example, 'Hi, Alex,' instead of 'Hi, there,' will appear in the email.

You do not have the right data to make decisions

The ideal demand generation strategies are data-driven and use the appropriate technology stack to get the best results.

You won't be able to make adjustments or obtain a thorough grasp of your audience and their goals if you don't know which approaches are working—or not. 

You get two benefits from automated email marketing. These are-

  • You can keep track of all the crucial metrics for each email. For example, when did the individual open it, when did he click the email, open to click ratio, where part of the email had the most clicks to put CTAs appropriately, etc.


  • You may compare two sets of emails to see which one performs better. (also known as A/B testing)

Email automation workflows' reporting component holds your team accountable. Comprehensive reporting allows you to observe how your marketing initiatives help your sales funnel in real time.

In addition, it enables you to highlight the areas where performance may be improved, allowing your team to make the necessary changes for improved results.

A/B Testing of Emails

Source: Marketoonist

What's the best way to get started with automated emails? 

The goal is to choose automated email marketing tools that are right for you.

But, if you don't have the budget to purchase marketing automation software or the resources to manage the automation activities? Look no further!

Our automation experts (or as you can say heroes) can help you make your demand generation successful.

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