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LinkedIn marketing for B2B: The definitive guide

Published: May 4, 2021
Last updated on October 1, 2024
4 min read

LinkedIn Marketing for B2B - Blog Image-1

LinkedIn has become a go-to platform for B2B marketers. What Facebook is for social media, LinkedIn is to the professional ecosystem. LinkedIn became a platform that allowed people to network with professionals from their own and other companies. Besides, it also became a place for job hunting while recruiters got to find a great talent pool. 

Today, LinkedIn has evolved into a great marketplace for content consumption. You can build a brand for yourself and your company. There are advertising solutions that will enhance the company's reach. Thus LinkedIn has become one of the favourite destinations for digital advertising.

LinkedIn marketing for B2B

Lengthy posts

Do you know the maximum number of words LinkedIn allows in a post? It is around 650. As per data from Agorapulse, longer LinkedIn posts get more views. Some of the tips that you can follow while posting on LinkedIn are:

  • Provide the takeaway in the post itself.

  • Avoid using the Link preview for text posts. Instead, place an image or video as a thumbnail and mention the link in the comment section. This enables LinkedIn to optimize your post better. 

This way content you post is optimized for engagement and not just clicks which takes users to go away from the LinkedIn platform. And yes, LinkedIn algorithms do their best to have users on their platform for the maximum amount of time :)

So do incorporate this in your LinkedIn B2B marketing strategy.

Tags (@Mention) and Hashtags

LinkedIn hashtags were introduced in 2018. Just like the other social channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, hashtags on LinkedIn make your content more discoverable. Hashtags enable you to network with other professionals who are interested in the topics that you discuss and post.

The @mention feature came into play in 2013. Users tag people whom they believe are important and add value to the conversation. Effective usage of the mentioned feature can do wonders for your LinkedIn B2B marketing strategy as you build up key relationships. 

Leverage native videos

72% of people prefer video over text-based content as per a study from HubSpot. If video marketing features in your to-do list, LinkedIn is here to help you with Native videos. This feature allows you to upload a video file directly to the LinkedIn channel. 

The video length can be between thirty seconds and five minutes while LinkedIn’s mobile app can support any video whose duration is from three seconds to ten minutes. The maximum file size can go up to 5 GB. With the autoplay feature on and operating without sound, the initial few frames of the video must entice the audience to watch the complete video. 

LinkedIn Native can propel your brand to increase its reach and effectiveness.  

Build your company’s brand ambassadors 

LinkedIn is a great platform for personal and professional branding. One of the best ways to achieve your brand objectives is by sharing knowledge, expertise on various topics consistently. The aforementioned steps 1, 2, and 3 will come in handy in this regard. 

Build a company page and a profile that is keyword friendly and optimized for search. You can also explore showcase pages that share updates on specific topics, business entities, or corporate initiatives. If you are targeting a different set of audiences, a showcase page is a must to have. LinkedIn Elevate helps you build your brand and reputation by sharing smart content. 

Marketing in LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn marketing, especially in groups, is challenging. You can be a part of 50 groups at a time. Sharing with you a few pointers to be followed while using LinkedIn groups for marketing:

Identify the right groups

Use Discover Groups feature to search for groups that are most relevant to your business. Go through the profiles of your connections and learn about the groups that they are part of

Respect the group guidelines

Every group has a set of guidelines that group creators and moderators mention before you join any group. Spend some time identifying the group dynamics - frequency of posts in the group, group activity, and receptiveness. Start liking other people’s posts, share and comment if need be. Avoid marketing your service/product in the early days.

Be a thought leader, not your company’s brand ambassador

It will be prudent to post content revolving around solving the business challenges, and pain points that are most relevant to the group. If you feel the need of sharing any articles that aid as a backlink to your company's website, ensure that you also include links to third-party websites in your post.

Maintaining a balance between self and organization will give you a solid grounding in establishing yourself as a thought leader in the group.

Don’t repeat the same content across groups

In pursuit of being active in various LinkedIn groups, do not post the same content across different groups. If you have group members who are part of multiple groups just like you, it would take a hit to your credibility and reputation. 

Build your own tribe

If you believe that existing groups are not helpful, you can try to build your own tribe by creating a new group. It is also advisable to help conversations with people on InMail to solidify the connection and take it to the next level.

LinkedIn B2B Marketing Solutions

With 630 million (and counting) professionals on LinkedIn, this is one channel that can drive website traffic, generate leads and build a brand. Moreover, 80% of members present on LinkedIn are key decision-makers. Let’s dive into the different types of ads LinkedIn offers:

Sponsored content

Sponsored Content is native ads that run on both desktop and mobile. You can select an audience that you want to target through the Campaign Manager. Sponsored content ads come in different formats such as Single Image Ads, Video Ads, and Carousel Ads. 

Sponsored messaging

Sponsored Messaging or InMail helps you deliver a direct message to your target prospect. There are no character limitations as well for this ad type. With 50% open rates, Sponsored Messaging helps your brand cut through the noise and stand out. There is also a provision to add a lead generation form so that you can directly get the leads from the ads.

Text ads

Choose the professional audience that you want to target, and create Text Ads with a defined budget. You can either choose Cost-Per-Click (CPC) or Cost-Per-Impression (CPM) pricing options. Take your prospect to the landing page and measure the engagement with conversion tracking. 

Dynamic ads

Engage your audience with personalized adverts through Dynamic Ads. You can capture the attention of prospects by featuring their LinkedIn profile data, photo, company name, and job title among others. You can either choose to build brand awareness by asking the prospects to follow or drive traffic, and conversions through Spotlight ads wherein prospects can register or generate leads through Content Ads where the audience can download your content. Note that Content Ads can be run only through LinkedIn representatives.


The LinkedIn platform is serving as a great tool for marketers. We hope that this article will help you in your marketing efforts. If you need help perfecting your LinkedIn B2B marketing strategy, get in touch with team RevX. We will be happy to assist you.

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